
This is a full-stack design and devel­op­ment project series. After the ini­tial design­er left the project, we took over and com­plet­ed the UI design of the mobile app. Addi­tion­al­ly, we cre­at­ed the design sys­tem, devel­oped the trav­el tips site and app land­ing page using Word­Press.

Briefly, this is a trav­el app UX/UI design and Word­Press web­site devel­op­ment project.


Trav­el Plan­ning App
Trav­el Tips Web­site
App Land­ing Page


2023 — 2024


UX Research
UI/UX Design
MVP of the App
Web Devel­op­ment

Main Goal

Co-founders of Vayabo aimed to cre­ate the MVP ver­sion of their mobile app, along with a land­ing page and a sep­a­rate trav­el tips web­site.



We began with bench­mark­ing and netnog­ra­phy to under­stand the mar­ket and user needs.
Fol­low­ing that, we cre­at­ed wire­frames for the app.

The UI design was cre­at­ed based on these wire­frames. In addi­tion to the UI design, we also cre­at­ed a design sys­tem for the inter­face.


After com­plet­ing the first ver­sion of the app, we cre­at­ed a pro­to­type and con­duct­ed UX research with the tar­get audi­ence to gath­er their ini­tial thoughts and insights. Based on user feed­back, we improved the app design.

Next, we con­duct­ed anoth­er UX research ses­sion to val­i­date our changes and fur­ther enhance the design and usabil­i­ty.

Word­Press Devel­op­ment of Two Web­sites

The mobile app devel­op­ment was com­plet­ed by the client’s in-house devel­op­ment team.
We devel­oped the app’s land­ing page and the Vayabo trav­el tips site.

High-con­vert­ing & user-friend­ly dig­i­tal prod­ucts.
For you & users.

© 2024