
This is a con­ver­sion rate opti­miza­tion project for an exist­ing web­site. The project includes con­duct­ing a UX/CRO audit and cre­at­ing a strat­e­gy plan for con­ver­sion rate opti­miza­tion by using the same design while revamp­ing the lay­out and com­po­nents.


UX/CRO Audit & Strat­e­gy




UX/CRO Audit
CRO Strat­e­gy

Main Goal

The Head of Growth Mar­ket­ing at Con­tact­Mon­key reached out to us for help in increas­ing their website’s con­ver­sion rates.



We began by bench­mark­ing com­peti­tors in the same indus­try to take notes on their strate­gies, strengths, weak­ness­es, and their approach­es to indus­try and tar­get audi­ence prob­lems

UX/CRO Audit

After under­stand­ing the mar­ket and user needs, as well as com­peti­tor solu­tions, we con­duct­ed a detailed audit of the web­site. Dur­ing this audit phase, we doc­u­ment­ed our find­ings, issues, poten­tial improve­ments, and new ideas to increase the con­ver­sion rate.

UX Find­ings and CRO Strat­e­gy Report

Based on our notes from the audit phase, we cre­at­ed a visu­al report to present the prob­lem­at­ic points, areas for improve­ment, new design ideas, and our sug­ges­tions for UX and CRO. The report includes a strat­e­gy roadmap and pos­si­ble fur­ther steps to enhance usabil­i­ty and increase con­ver­sion rates.
High-con­vert­ing & user-friend­ly dig­i­tal prod­ucts.
For you & users.

© 2024