Subscription-based UX & CRO related services

High-converting & user-friendly
digital products. For you & users.

u&users is a dig­i­tal prod­uct agency found­ed by Mali, an Upwork top-rat­ed UX/CRO design­er and Google-cer­ti­fied devel­op­er. Mali has been col­lab­o­rat­ing with his oth­er free­lance researchers, design­ers and devel­op­ers for years, and u&users is the out­come of this expe­ri­ence.

We cre­ate user-friend­ly apps and web­sites that not only look great but also effec­tive­ly con­vert users. As a team of expe­ri­enced free­lancers, we spe­cial­ize in design­ing intu­itive, engag­ing dig­i­tal prod­ucts that deliv­er seam­less and enjoy­able expe­ri­ences, ensur­ing your users stay engaged.

Why u&users

Thanks to our know-how and expe­ri­ence, we can under­stand and meet both your expec­ta­tions & the needs of your users.

Our team of expe­ri­enced researchers, design­ers, con­ver­sion rate opti­miza­tion experts, and devel­op­ers col­lab­o­rates close­ly to bring your vision to life.

We believe in a user-cen­tered approach, where every deci­sion is informed by com­pre­hen­sive user research and test­ing. This ensures that the end prod­uct not only meets but exceeds user expec­ta­tions.

Whether you’re look­ing to launch a new app, redesign your web­site, or improve your exist­ing dig­i­tal pres­ence, u&users is here to help. We blend cre­ativ­i­ty with tech­ni­cal exper­tise to deliv­er solu­tions that cap­ti­vate your audi­ence and achieve your busi­ness goals.

Years of Expe­ri­ence
0 +
Hap­py clients
0 +
0 +
Job Suc­cess on Upwork
0 %

Full-stack services for all your needs

UX Research

Ask­ing real users from the tar­get audi­ence is always valu­able for gain­ing insights. We con­duct UX research to uncov­er hid­den thoughts.

UI/UX Design

We cre­ate appeal­ing, user-friend­ly, and high-con­vert­ing designs for apps and web­sites by adher­ing to best prac­tices in UI, UX, and CRO.

CRO & A/B Testing

It doesn’t mat­ter which stage your prod­uct is in. We can help you with con­ver­sion rate opti­miza­tion and A/B test­ing to increase the rates.

Website Development

Usable and visu­al­ly appeal­ing web­sites using HTML/CSS/JS, Word­Press, Shopi­fy, Framer, Webflow, or any oth­er plat­form you pre­fer.

App Development

Whether it’s an MVP or a com­plex prod­uct, we are here to cre­ate your mobile appli­ca­tion using native or cross-plat­form lan­guages.

Graphics & Branding

If your dig­i­tal prod­uct needs cus­tom graph­ics, illus­tra­tions, or the whole brand­ing from scratch, our design­ers are ready to cre­ate them for you.

Featured work as references for you



Honest reviews from our clients

Can­not think of a bet­ter rela­tion­ship!

The job has been done with some extra advise and improve­ment, that were not required by con­tract. The deliv­ery was made well before the dead­line. I can not think of a bet­ter rela­tion­ship. Very pro­fes­sion­al!

Ronan Mou­choux


Among of the best!

We need­ed UX help for our CRO agency and found Mali to help. Able to con­sis­tent­ly pro­vide good and well pre­sent­ed insights. We only work with the best experts long-term and he is def­i­nite­ly among of the best!

Samuel Larsen

CEO of CRO Gurus

Def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend­ed!

Great pro­fes­sion­al­ism with deep exper­tise and prob­lem solv­ing skills. I would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend for web projects at any lev­el. Look­ing for­ward to work togeth­er again.

Oytun Yenis

Founder of ashure

Prices of our subscription plans


/ Week


Great for first-timers who want to try our ser­vices, and for small teams with one-off projects.

What’s includ­ed?


/ Month


Per­fect for small to medi­um-sized brand teams with mul­ti­ple design and devel­op­ment tasks to com­plete.

What’s includ­ed?


/ 3 Months


Best val­ue for larg­er teams with longer roadmaps and exten­sive design and devel­op­ment needs.

What’s includ­ed?

Need a cus­tom pric­ing plan?

The first advan­tage is bud­get-relat­ed. You won’t need to allo­cate funds for month­ly salaries, social insur­ance, ben­e­fits, equip­ment costs, etc. You can sim­ply pay the sub­scrip­tion fee when­ev­er you need our ser­vices.

Anoth­er impor­tant advan­tage is that we han­dle the oper­a­tional side. You will com­mu­ni­cate with our project leader, and we will man­age all oth­er project require­ments. This allows you to focus entire­ly on your prod­uct.

The dura­tion of tasks can vary wide­ly depend­ing on their com­plex­i­ty and scope.

Gen­er­al­ly, we can com­plete basic tasks with­in 1–3 busi­ness days.

For more com­plex requests, we will inform you of the esti­mat­ed time required, and you can track the entire process through our project man­age­ment tool.

Each com­pli­cat­ed request con­sists of sev­er­al sub-tasks. We will inform you about the num­ber of sub-tasks need­ed to com­plete your request and pro­vide a time­line. Every­thing will be trans­par­ent for both par­ties to avoid any mis­com­mu­ni­ca­tion or mis­un­der­stand­ing dur­ing task man­age­ment.

We can adapt to your work­ing style if you already use a project man­age­ment tool. If not, we can use any plat­form such as Asana, Trel­lo, Jira, Airtable, Notion, or Google Sheets.

Our project leader will be respon­si­ble for com­mu­ni­ca­tion between your team and ours. We can arrange week­ly calls or send week­ly writ­ten reports. Our team mem­bers can join these meet­ings as need­ed.

Our team con­sists of expe­ri­enced free­lancers, each care­ful­ly select­ed for their exper­tise. Mali, the founder of the agency, is a detail-ori­ent­ed per­son, and all team mem­bers were cho­sen with this in mind. As a prin­ci­ple, we do not accept new projects if our sched­ule is already full with ongo­ing projects. This ensures we can ful­ly focus on your project, main­tain the high­est pos­si­ble work qual­i­ty, and meet pre­planned dead­lines.

We strive to have a col­lab­o­ra­tive process to ensure each task meets your needs and expec­ta­tions. You can track the progress, and we can change the design or devel­op­ment direc­tion ear­ly on if you don’t like some­thing dur­ing this process. How­ev­er, if you are still unhap­py with the out­come, we will revise the tasks until you’re sat­is­fied with the result.

Our 5‑step process

We believe in col­lab­o­rat­ing with you at every step, allow­ing you to fol­low our process phase by phase. This way, we can incor­po­rate your feed­back ear­ly on, avoid­ing mis­un­der­stand­ings and ensur­ing we align with your pre­ferred design direc­tion.

Our trans­par­ent and open process ensures we meet your busi­ness needs and project require­ments effec­tive­ly.

M.Ali Ayan

Team Lead of u&users



This ini­tial phase helps us gath­er detailed infor­ma­tion about your require­ments and objec­tives, ensur­ing we start on the right foot.


Getting your requests

You’ll have access to a per­son­al­ized project man­age­ment tool where you can add as many requests as need­ed.


Working on the task

Our ded­i­cat­ed team will work on one task at a time to com­plete it accord­ing to your needs and the expec­ta­tions of your users.


Submitting the deliverable for your feedback

You can review the sub­mit­ted task and leave your com­ments on the design file and/or project man­age­ment tool. We can arrange a call if you have any ques­tions or need fur­ther clar­i­fi­ca­tion.


Revising the submission

In this final step, we will refine and pol­ish the sub­mit­ted task, address­ing any remain­ing issues to ensure the result aligns with your goals and sat­is­fies user needs.

This phase includes unlim­it­ed iter­a­tions, mean­ing we offer unlim­it­ed revi­sions until you’re com­plete­ly sat­is­fied with the out­come.

    Let’s talk about you & users

    Get in touch to decide the best strat­e­gy and pric­ing mod­el for your needs and bud­get!

    Response time

    We will respond to your mes­sages with­in a max­i­mum of 12 hours on week­days.

    On week­ends, we take time to refresh our­selves to stay focused on our projects dur­ing the week, but we reg­u­lar­ly check our mes­sages to ensure we don’t miss any­thing urgent.

    High-con­vert­ing & user-friend­ly dig­i­tal prod­ucts.
    For you & users.

    © 2024